Case Study

Award for Victim of RTA Involving Articulated Lorry

Published on 26 Feb 2024

Miss P was injured in a road traffic accident when an articulated lorry merged into her lane, pushing her vehicle up on the pavement. Liability was admitted early on, but the case became more difficult when quantifying damages. The accident caused injuries of whiplash, damage to the right shoulder and nerve damage at the right elbow. At the time of the accident Miss P worked as a Behavioural Management Specialist, a role that required the use and teaching of restraint techniques. As a result of the injury she was unable to continue to carry out her role. Future loss of earnings therefore became a central point of the claim.

Proceedings were issued, however, Miss P found that she continued to suffer with pain and restricted movement to the shoulder. Further her grip in her right hand had been effected. Three years post accident it was necessary for Miss P to undergo a nerve decompression to the right elbow. Unfortunately recovery from the surgery was slow and Miss P developed complex regional pain syndrome. Miss P also suffered psychiatric injury as a result of the accident.

Through interim payments we enabled Miss P to undergo the necessary surgery and treatment to work towards recovery, however, she remained in a position where she would not be able to continue in her previous employment.

The Serious Injury Claim was settled at a joint settlement meeting and we achieved £308,000 for Miss P who was delighted with the award. Such a level of award allowed her to continue to explore future treatment and to reconsider her future career options and retraining.

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