Case Study

Claim for Noise Induced Hearing Loss.

Published on 26 Feb 2024
Soft focus image of leaves
  • Areas of Law:
  • Lawyer:
  • Outcome:
    We provided Mr H with advice with respect to appropriate valuation of the claim and were able to trace the relevant insurer and direct the claim accordingly. 
  • Year:

Karen was instructed by Mr H in August 2018 to represent him as the defendant in relation to a historic personal injury claim. The claimant in the case had served a claim for noise induced hearing loss and sought compensation against Mr H’s late father’s business.

Our client’s father ran a business in the 1990s but had since passed and his business had been wound down many years previous to presentation of the claim. Our client required legal advice on his options to deal with the claim and the position in relation to insurance. As the business had ceased trading many years previously he had no physical paperwork.

We provided Mr H with advice with respect to appropriate valuation of the claim and were able to trace the relevant insurer and direct the claim accordingly.

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